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About Cori

Cori Stuart serves as a heart based, holistic healer who assists individuals in soulful re-connection through releasing anxiousness, self-doubt and energetic blockages, utilizing the chakras as guides. She believes that life should be lived from the heart and is passionate about assisting others to no longer feel like a plus one within their own lives. 

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Her Story

Cori Stuart is a soul soothing, holistic healer who assists individuals in re-connection through intellectual, energetic and physical exercises. She specializes in releasing anxiousness, self-doubt and energetic blockages, utilizing the chakras as guides. She believes that life should be lived from the heart and is passionate about connecting individuals to their heart song to experience connection, and calm.

Cori is a master in taking clients from self doubt to self trust by providing holistic tools for daily situations. She designs long term strategies which shift her client’s perspective and life from being reactive to proactive and living a life they love. Cori guides her clients through better understanding of their intellectual, energetic and physical bodies resulting in one being able to have the connection they have been craving with themselves and those around them; especially how living from the heart creates opportunities for growth and bliss.

She received her Master’s Degree in Public History in 2005 and has been assisting individuals to learn from their past and create better futures ever since. She is a Master Usui Ryoho Reiki, Pet, & Crystal Reiki practitioner. Additionally, Cori is known for her crystalline and essential oil knowledge regarding the physical and emotional healing properties and is frequently asked to present at different events and on podcasts. 


She is a beagle dog mom and advocate for the end of testing on beagles and assisting all laboratory dogs to be freed.


She shares updates on practices and new offerings within her monthly blog.


Contact Me

Please let me know if you have questions about energy healing, our products and services, and our workshops!

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